3 hours later - you'll be selling your face off.


the 3 Part masterclass that'll make “content planning” a thing of the past


People don't buy what you're selling,

they buy why you're selling it.

*no fancy landing pages required.

“It was the best training I've ever received.”


Does this sound like you?


People are always telling you how inspiring you are, or how amazing your product is, but then aren't buying right away


You believe in your offer with the passion of 1000 RealHousewives but often struggle to find the words when you go to post


You are "putting it out there"… but not SELLING on social media, because you don't want to come off “salesy” or aggressive


You spend more time shining up your website and searching for trending audio than you do selling, to feel productive


You see other people in your industry crushing it - and feel like GAH what do I have to say for people to get how AWESOME my offer is too!


Did you know that 44% of Instagram users use the app to SHOP on a weekly basis?


Sell Out w/Stories

This is for people who want to turn their creepers into paid clients đź‘€


WITHOUT being gross or salesy.

WITHOUT watching hours of modules

WITHOUT hiring a social media manager.

WITHOUT having to rely on “feeling in the mood”.

What's inside?


23 Types of Ick-Free Selling Stories You Can Steal 


Convert ya Creepers into Clients đź‘€


Selling when you're not in the Mood


Tutorials on How to Brand Your Stories


Polls and links and captions-Oh my!

Client testimonials

Jess H. - CEO of Kentucky Therapy solutions

"The testimonial part of the class was amazing this week in our practice. The clients got so into a giveaway we sponsored I can't wait to spread these! This little tidbit alone is going to make a huge difference for our business growth!"

Ina V. - Owner of sointse hot yoga studio & inhales wellness studio

“I'm going to need a minute to process all the lightbulbs that went off for me today. I'm blown away."

gemma L - business coach

“Thank you for the training. I learned so much even though I've been selling in stories for years! Such great reminders and tips.”

After the masterclass, 

You'll be Able to…

sell any offer without having to think so hard

Banish the blinking-cursor stress of starting from scratch with my high-converting system proven to make serious sales with a cold audience.


cut your sales process in half

You already did the hard work of creating your offer. Don't spend another MONTH making it “pretty for market.” Selling through stories gives the people what they want FASTER!


sell whether you're feeling good, bad or ugly 

Selling through stories isn't about being “motivating” or “convincing”. There is a strategy for selling no matter your mood or energy level.


Jess McKinley Uyeno

business coach

I'm a lot of things. A coach, a mom, a singer, a wife, a diehard Steelers fan, a fashion icon, a fitness freak, a spanish speaker, a personal finance nerd, a member of 2 bookclubs…..

And I've used Instagram Stories to share value and make money in almost ALL of my pursuits.

After helping 100+ women do the same through coaching- I decided it's time for a Masterclass.

give the people what they want

an easy decision.