If you are dONE playing games and ready to kick it up a notch…

Here's your chance.


The masterful cEO school is now 

pre-enrolling for the next round 

of March 2024.

Early Access to…

The Masterful CEO $chool

The Program 

For 6 months we will come together for weekly coaching at 1pm on Wednesdays to master your time, money & CEO MindDrama.

MEET LIVE jULY 13-14th halfway through the mastermind to fuse it all together.

you will have trainings on: +Masterful CEO scheduling

+using ynab (you need a budget) as an entrepreneur

+breaking your goals down into monthly action plans

most importantly, you will have a space to work through the real life business problems that typically slow you down


The Community

the women in this collective have a few important things in common:

  • you pursue a big life & business, and believe in the importance of having both
  • you have a high quality product/service (i only admit members to the mastermind who benefit the world with their business growth)
  • you are self-motivated and believe in the inevitability of your success. you simply want systems + support to make getting their more fun + profitable

The Results

the results people come for (more money, more time + more calm) is just the baseline of what you get.


masterful ceos say that the tools + mindset they left with fundamentally changed the way they approach their life and business forever.



limited spots available. your $1k deposit will be applied to your balance. PAYMENT PLAN OPTION AVAILABLE.

Pay in full option includes 2 bonus 1:1 coaching Calls!

What's Included


6 Months of Weekly Coaching (Wednesdays 1:30-2:30pm EST) 


LIVE Retreat July 2024 in Garden City, NY


BiWeekly FOCUS Calls (Deep dives into nitty gritty details of your time & money), Thursdays at 12pm


The Masterful CEO Portal (Journal access between coaching calls, Metric Tracking - to measure revenue & other goal progress)


The Masterful CEO Workbook (Tools & High Quality Questions that members keep and reuse for years or until the book falls apart!)


A Private Facebook Community to connect with the other Masterful CEOs (relationships worth their weight in gold)


(Optional) Masterful CEO Time + Money Certification

Don't take my word for it…

hear it from the masterful CEos

Danielle Williams

“I just quit my job!!! To focus full time on my company and create the big and beautiful future I want! I would not be here today without the tools you taught me and I am so grateful🙏  All of the time, money & mindset work empowered me to trust myself and deal with all of the big emotions that come up with a big change like this. I am SO EXCITED to fulfill my purpose and want to send you my deepest thanks for the impact you made in my life!!!❤🙏 Thank you!!!!!!😁”